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Thursday 2 July 2015

Wazifa surah ghashiyah for teeth

Whoso recites this surah regularly in his obligatory and supererogatory salats, he would receive Allah’s mercy in this world and in the hereafter; he would be protected from the fire of hell, and he would have a smooth sailing during the reckoning.

If this surah is recited for a child (human or animal) who screams very much, he would get rid of this habit and have an ordinary life of a child.
If a person is suffering pain in a molar tooth or in the teeth recite this surah to remove pain, uneasiness.
If some one eats food after reciting this surah over it, Allah would keep him safe from any harm in the food.
If this surah is recited for a man who is straying he would come back on the right path.
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
  1. Hal ataaka hadeesul ghaashiyah
  2. Wujoohuny yawma 'izin khaashi'ah
  3. Aamilatun naasibah
  4. Taslaa naaran haamiyah
  5. Tusqaa min 'aynin aaniyah
  6. Laisa lahum ta'aamun illaa min daree
  7. Laa yusminu wa laa yughnee min joo
  8. Wujoohuny yawma 'zin naa'imah
  9. Lisayihaa raadiyah
  10. Fee jannatin 'aaliya
  11. Laa tasma'u feehaa laaghiyah
  12. Feeha 'aynun jaariyah
  13. Feehaa sururum marfoo'ah
  14. Wa akwaabum mawdoo 'ah
  15. Wa namaariq masfoofah
  16. Wa zaraabiyyu mabsoosah
  17. Afalaa yanzuroona ilalibili kaifa khuliqat
  18. Wa ilassamaaa'i kaifa rufi'at
  19. Wa ilal jibaali kaifa nusibat
  20. Wa ilal ardi kaifa sutihat
  21. Fazakkir innama anta Muzakkir
  22. Lasta 'alaihim bimusaitir
  23. Illaa man tawallaa wa kafar
  24. Fa yu'azzibuhul laahul 'azaabal akbar
  25. Innaa ilainaaa iyaabahum
  26. Summa inna 'alainaa hisaabahum

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