Whoever recites the last part of this surah would wake up at whatever time he plans to wake up. It serves as an alarm clock. Whoever rec...
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Showing posts with label qurani wazaif. Show all posts
Showing posts with label qurani wazaif. Show all posts
Thursday, 2 July 2015
Wazifa surah jathiyah for new born child
July 02, 2015
Whoso recites this surah would not go near the hell, and by the grace of the merciful Lord live in peace and tranquillity in the company...
Wazifa surah mumin for liver pain
July 02, 2015
If a believer recites this surah every night, Allah would forgive his past and future sins, grant him purity of heart and in the hereafte...
Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory salats Allah would keep him away from the fire of hell; he would not be questioned nor he would...
Wazifa surah inshiqaq for normal delevry of child
July 02, 2015
Whoso recites this surah, his record of deeds would not be used against him. If this surah is written on paper and put around the neck of...
Whoso recites this bountiful surah would rise on the day of judgement among the prophets, messengers and virtuous servants of Allah; and ...
Wazifa surah tariq for pain enywere
July 02, 2015
Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory salats, Allah would bestow prestrige and position on him on the dayof judgement, virtues equal...
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